
#Mulam Back to the Roots

Plate Politics

Ahmedabad Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

Do we understand the power of our food choices and they impact they have? Our choices, when it comes to eating, have more power than we realize. What we eat is not just personal; it is political and of great consequence to the communities in which we live- local, regional, national, and even global. Let […]

Global Center of Excellence in Affordable and Clean Energy

Global Center of Excellence in Affordable and Clean Energy (GCOE-ACE) and * Lowe's India, Bengaluru. Present  Upskilling and Awareness programs  Program -1:  Awareness on United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. At IIT Dharwad Open to all. Financial assistance for travel and accommodation will be given Win exciting cash prizes. Certificate for participation will be given. Apply […]

Civil Society Organisations and Climate Change

Hyderabad Seminar Hall,Osmania university, Hyderabad

WEBINAR CIVIL SOCIETY AND CLIMATE CHANGE 05 Nov, 2022 At 5:30 to 6:30 PM Speakers NGO's representatives Zoom Meeting ID: 867 3878 3366