
Vamana guntalu

  • Hello granny. I’m feeling bored with playing these games on mobile. Are there any interesting games that give us recreation and moral values which can be applied in our real lives? Other day, you were discussing two ancient games played by kings and queens of respective kingdoms in their palaces during their leisure time.
  • Ha, Ayaan. “Would you like to listen and play Vamana guntallu Yes, of course, granny. Come and sit beside me, I will show you.
  • Ayaan, this is called Vamanguntallu. There are various names for this game. In Tamil Nadu, it is Pallanghuzi, Alagille Mane in Kannada, Vamana Guntalu, or couples’ game in Telugu. and so on…
  • The game is played with a wooden board that has 14 pits in all., which we called as “guntalu”. There have been several deviations in the layout of the pits, one among them being seven pits on each player’s side. For counters, we use cowry shells or pebbles. 
  • Ayaan comes and squats on the other side. Granny, I’m excited to play. Let’s start. First, distribute shells overall in pits.