Navaratri Day-4
Kusumanda Devi (Chaturthi Avatar)

देवी कूष्मांडा ।
सुरासम्पूर्णकलशं रुधिराप्लुतमेव च ।
दधाना हस्तपद्माभ्यां कूष्माण्डा शुभदास्तु मे
Kushmanda (The creator of the universe)
The fourth avatar of the Goddess Durga is Kushmanda, also known as “Smiling Face “. She is the creator of the whole universe, which gave light to overcome the darkness in the universe.
The phrase “Kushmanda” is divided into three parts, where;
The first word “ku” means little; the second word “ushma” means energy, and the third word “Anda” means egg. So from this, we can conclude by her name that she is the creator of this “little cosmic egg” which we call the Universe.
She created this universe with her silent smile. She produced this little cosmic egg, and a smile took over the darkness. and created a divine light in the universe. She is the source of all energy in the universe. She provides life to all human beings through the sun, and she is also called Shakthi.
She has given birth to three goddesses, namely Mahakali, Saraswathi, and Mahalakshmi.
Kushmanda has multiple limbs( 8 to 10 limbs) in which she holds deadly weapons, glitter, a rosary, mace, bow, and arrow, a pot of nectar, a disc, and Kamandal. She rides on a lion. The glitter it carries has got its significance because, with this, she illuminated the whole universe. This avatar exemplifies strength and courage in the face of adversity.
Colour :Royal Blue. It is considered good for your health and wealth. All devotees worship Devi Kushmanda on this day with utmost devotion.
Flowers: Devotees offer jasmine flowers on this fourth day of the Kushmanda avatar.
Prasadam: Pulihora, Pesara Boorelu, in South India and in North India, offer Malpua on this day.
Mantra: Vande Vance hit Kamarthe Chandrarghkrit Shekhram, Singhrudha Ashtbhuja, and Kushmanda Yashswini.
She is the root cause of this universe. She created this universe and filled this universe with sparkling lights and a source of life for all human beings. If you worship her wholeheartedly, she gives you strength, wisdom, and prosperity and clears all your hardships in life.