
Vision and Mission

To connect, empower and build a modern community of eco-friendly folks towards an enriching and sustainable lifestyle.

  • Ensuring local farmhand livelihoods are not distrubed but empowered.
  • Adoption of modern technologies like IOT, CCTV, Drones, etc. for effective farm management and connect of all the stake holders
  • Ensure that there is clarity, transparency and simplicity in handling of all farm assets incl. Farmlands, equipments, infrastructure, etc.
  • Provide eco-friendly and sustainable housing solutions both on our farmlands as well as others.
  • Ensure that livestock including Cows, Poultry, Goats, Ducks, etc. are well maintained and effectively integrated into the farmland setup.
  • Use green energy solutions incl. Solar, Electric Vehicles, etc. for effectively addressing power & energy needs.
  • Provide an avenue for City Dwellers, specially youth to connect with and experience farm living.
  • To grow and promote the use of organic produce and also all aspects of a healthier lifestyle incl. Yoga, Wellness, Mud Cutlery, Clothing, Arts, and much more.
  • To partner with like minded people and organizations to be an effective channel in promoting sustainable ecofriendly lifestyles.