
Vaikunthapali Rules

Vaikunthapali, also known as Paramapada Sopana Patam or Snake and Ladder, is a traditional Indian board game that has been played for centuries. The game is designed for two or more players and is typically played on a square board with numbered squares arranged in a grid. The objective of the game is to reach the final square, which represents “Vaikuntha” or the ultimate goal, by navigating through a series of snakes and ladders. Here are the basic rules of Vaikunthapali (Snake and Ladder):

Objective: The objective of the game is to reach the final square on the board, which is often labeled with the number 100, before your opponents do. Players do this by moving their game pieces (commonly represented by small tokens or coins) along the numbered squares on the board.


  1. Vaikunthapali board: The board is typically square-shaped and contains a grid of numbered squares from 1 to 100.
  2. Tokens or game pieces: Each player needs a token or game piece to represent them on the board.
  3. A six-sided dice: The dice is used to determine the number of squares a player can move on their turn.


  1. Place all the tokens or game pieces at the starting square, usually square 1.
  2. The player who goes first is determined by a random method, such as rolling the dice, and then proceeding in a clockwise order.


  1. Rolling the dice: On their turn, each player rolls the dice. The number rolled on the dice indicates how many squares the player’s token can move forward on the board.
  2. Moving the token: The player moves their token forward along the numbered squares, following the number rolled on the dice.
  3. Snakes and Ladders: Some squares on the board contain illustrations of snakes or ladders. If a player’s token lands at the base of a ladder, they can advance to the square at the top of the ladder. Conversely, if the token lands on the head of a snake, it must move back down to the square at the tail of the snake. Ladders help players progress quickly, while snakes hinder their progress.
  4. Multiple turns: If a player rolls a six on the dice, they get another turn to roll the dice and move their token further along the board.
  5. Winning: The first player to reach the final square, which is usually 100, wins the game.

House Rules and Variations: Vaikunthapali (Snake and Ladder) is a simple and popular game, and it may have some variations in rules based on different regions and cultures. Some variations may introduce additional gameplay elements or special rules for certain squares. Make sure to clarify the specific rules being used before starting the game.

Overall, Vaikunthapali is a game of luck and chance, making it suitable for players of all ages and a great way to spend leisure time with family and friends.