Soil Management

The growth of the plant depends upon the soil. Different plants require different types of soil. So soil plays an integral part in a plant’s growth. Soil management refers to the application of treatments, practices, and operations to protect soil and improve its fertility. Farmers have to follow soil management to make soil productive instead of going unproductively. They need to know about organic and inorganic types of soil to prevent agricultural land.
Organic farming emphasises optimal soil management because of the exclusive source of fertilisation and pest control.
- Healthy soil can increase the capacity of crops to withstand weather conditions.
- Soil is the source of everything, which means it sustains life.
- Good soil allows food to grow and feeds the world.
- Healthy soil helps bind together and improves soil structure. It retains water, and improves soil fertility, which results in a good yield for farmers.
- If we use organic matter for plants, it yields good crops.
- It decreases soil erosion and air pollution, which aids in the cleanliness of the environment.
The goal of soil management is to meet the essential needs of the plants. To increase the quantity and quality of crops, one has to concentrate on soil management to get good crops year after year. Using a lower amount of fertilizer for plants makes the soil retain its texture.
The amount of fertile soil is diminishing at an alarming rate. The farmers are not able to produce good crop yields. If soil is not fertile, agricultural produce will be affected and the cost of crops will be increased, which will be a burden for farmers and for consumers as well.