
Ludo Rules

Ludo, also known as Parcheesi or Pachisi, is a popular board game that originated in India and has become well-loved worldwide. It is designed for two to four players and is played on a square board with a cross-shaped pattern and colored spaces. The objective of the game is to move all four of your tokens from the starting area to the home area by rolling the dice and strategically navigating around the board. Here are the basic Ludo game rules:


The objective of the game is to be the first player to move all four of your tokens from the starting area to the home area, which is located in the center of the board.


  • Ludo board: The board is square-shaped with a cross pattern, divided into four quadrants of different colors.
  • Tokens or game pieces: Each player has four tokens of the same color, which represent their pieces on the board.
  • A six-sided dice: The dice is used to determine the number of spaces a player can move their token on their turn.


  • Each player chooses a color and places their four tokens in their respective starting area of the same color.
  • The Ludo board is placed in the center, and players take turns in a clockwise order.


  • Rolling the dice: On their turn, each player rolls the dice. The number rolled on the dice indicates how many spaces a player’s token can move forward on the board.
  • Moving the token: The player moves one of their tokens forward along the colored spaces, following the number rolled on the dice. If a player rolls a six, they get another turn to roll the dice and move a token again.
  • Capturing opponent’s token: If a player’s token lands on a space occupied by an opponent’s token, the opponent’s token is captured and sent back to the opponent’s starting area. The captured token must start its journey again from the starting area.
  • Safe squares: Each colored quadrant has a central square called the “home” or “safe” square. Tokens on these squares cannot be captured by opponents.
  • Entering the home area: To enter the home area, a player must roll the exact number needed to land the token into the home space. If a player rolls a higher number, the token moves into the home area and then moves back out again, following the clockwise direction.


The first player to move all four of their tokens into their respective home areas is declared the winner.

House Rules and Variations:

Ludo is a flexible game, and many families and communities have their own house rules and variations. Some variations may include special rules for rolling sixes, allowing two tokens on the same space to form a block, or introducing shortcuts on the board. Be sure to clarify the specific rules being used before starting the game.

Ludo is a fun and engaging board game that combines luck and strategy, making it enjoyable for players of all ages. It is an excellent choice for spending quality time with family and friends.