
Gilli Danda Rules

Gilli-Danda, also known as “Guli Danda” or “Tipcat,” is a traditional Indian game that has been played for centuries in various regions of the country. The game requires skill, precision, and physical coordination. Here are the rules to play Gilli-Danda:


  • Gilli: A small wooden stick, around 3 to 4 inches in length and pointed at both ends.
  • Danda: A larger wooden stick, about 2 to 3 feet in length.

Objective: The objective of Gilli-Danda is to score points by hitting the gilli as far as possible and then striking it in the air to cover more distance. The game is played in rounds, and the player with the highest score wins.


  1. Setup:
    • Draw a line on the ground called the “pithoo” or “batter.” This line is the starting point for the players.
    • Place the gilli on the pithoo, standing upright.
    • The player holds the danda, ready to strike the gilli.
  2. Hitting the Gilli:
    • The first player (striker) stands at the pithoo and aims to hit the gilli using the danda.
    • The striker gets three attempts to hit the gilli. If the gilli is knocked down on any of the attempts, the player proceeds to the next phase.
  3. Air Strike:
    • After successfully hitting the gilli, the striker throws it up into the air.
    • While the gilli is in the air, the striker must strike it with the danda, trying to hit it as far as possible.
  4. Scoring:
    • The distance covered by the gilli is measured from the pithoo to where it lands.
    • The player’s score is the best distance achieved in the air strike phase.
  5. Fielding and Defending:
    • Other players act as fielders and defenders.
    • If the gilli is hit into the air, fielders try to catch it. If they succeed, the striker’s score is not counted, and the fielder becomes the striker for the next round.
  6. Boundaries:
    • There might be specific boundaries beyond which the gilli should not go. If it does, the distance is not counted, and the gilli is brought back to the pithoo for the next attempt.
  7. Rotation:
    • Players take turns being the striker, and the game continues in rounds.

Winning: The game can be played for a predetermined number of rounds, and at the end of the specified rounds, the player with the highest total score is declared the winner.

Gilli-Danda is not just a game but a cultural phenomenon in many parts of India. It fosters physical activity, camaraderie, and friendly competition among players. The rules might have slight variations depending on the region and local customs.