Ganapathi Homam

In this additional article on pooja, I’m going to concentrate on two primary Devata Aradhana pujalu, one of which is associated with Ganapathi Homam and is followed by Satyanarayana Vratamu. The Vigneshwara slokam is a popular way for all of us to begin puja vidis. Therefore, I’d like to begin my article on the Ganesha Homam with a sloka about Ganapathi.
Om Gum Ganeshaya Swaha
Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Glaum [Klom] Gum Ganapathayei
Vara Varada Sarva Janame Vasa Manaya Swaha
Introduction to Ganapathi Homam
- We worship Lord Ganapathi, who is the most important deity to worship in order to remove all obstacles and sins from life, during every auspicious festival or pooja. Before beginning any task or ritual, He is blessed. All Homams are familiar with him, and they regard him as the most significant superior God.
- Performing this homam early in the morning, either before or after sunrise, is advised by pandits. The primary justification given by devotees for performing Ganapathi Homam is that it brings Prosperity, Wealth, and Health Relief from all illnesses, harmony within families, and achieving all of one’s life goals without any obstacles. Furthermore, Lord Ganapathi is known for three names
- Riddi, Siddi, and Buddi
- Siddi-Success
- Buddhi -Wisdom and Intelligence
- Riddi – Prosperity
- It is best to perform this homam before dawn. It is performed in the midst of Ganapathi mantras, which permeate the entire environment.
- Ganapathi Homam comes in 108 different forms. There are 32 different variations of Ganapathi Homam, with 32 being the most popular.
Let us know the 32 forms of Ganapathi Homam:
- Bala Ganapathi
- Siddi Ganapathi
- Ucchista Ganapathi
- Kshpira Ganapathi
- Vigna Ganapathi
- Heramba Ganapathi
- Maha Ganapathi
- Lakshmi Ganapathi
- Varada Ganapathi
- EkAkshara Ganapathi
- Tryashkara Ganapathi
- Haridra Ganapathi
- Ekadanta Ganapathi
- Shakthi Ganapathi
- Vidya Ganapathi
- Dwimukha Ganapathi
- Dwija Ganapathi
- Vijaya Ganapathi
- Kshipra prasada Ganapathi
- Yoga Ganapathi
- Sankatahara Ganapathi
- Bhakthi Ganapathi
- Veera Ganapathi
- Urdhva Ganapathi
- Srishti Ganapathi –
- Trimukha Ganapathi
- Simha Ganapathi –
- Taruna Ganapathi
- Nritya Ganapathi –
- Dhundhi Ganapathi
- Durga Ganapathi
- Rinamochana Ganapathi
He removes all obstacles and sins from life, grants success and knowledge, and ensures wealth, peace, and happiness by enacting the 32 forms of Ganesha Homam.
While performing Ganapathi Homam, devotees place the Ganapathi Yantra. During Homam, both priests and worshippers seated in Homam recite the following mantras.
1.Ganapathi Moola 2. Mantram. 3.Mala Mantram, 4. Veda Mantram, 5.Kshipraprasadha Mantram 6. Ganapathi Gayathri Mantram and 7. Ganapathi Atharvasheersha Mantram.
- The most important slokam recited by poojars is
- Gajaananam Bhuuta – Gannaadi Sevitam
- Kapittha Jambuu-Phala-Saara Bhakssitam
- Umaa-Sutam Shoka Vinaasha-Kaarannam
- Namaami Vighneshvara Paada-Pangkajam”
- After the completion of Homam , a special Naivedhyam is offered to Lord Ganapathi in Modhagam, which is the favourite food of Ganesha.
- Since Lord Vigneshwara was born on Shukal Chaturdi Day of Bhadrapada, performing Ganapathi Homam on this day is auspicious.
- Wealth and good health will be bestowed upon the person who has Kethu Dosham.
- He removes any barriers that stand in the way of business, a successful marriage, good health, etc.
- The Moladara chakra represents material prosperity. As a result, this homam assists people in resolving all financial issues. and gives you financial stability.
- It resolves issues from both a personal and professional perspective.
- It boosts the memory’s capacity for learning and education.
- Even though we have illnesses, he bestows upon us good health.
- regularly offering sacrifices to Lambodara,
This will make our lives easier to lead with peace of mind and achieve our goals easily.
The Importance of Ganapathi Homam:
When devotees perform this Ganapathi Homam with great faith and utmost devotion to God, those who want to solve all of their life’s problems—including those relating to health issues, money problems, marital problems, higher education, etc.—will succeed in their endeavors. After finishing Homam, we experience mental stability and peace of mind.
We use a variety of materials to perform this homam, including durva (a type of grass), ghee, coconut, bananas, honey, and sugarcane.
When we worship Ganesh every day, he will solve all of our problems in life. He is known by many names, including Lambodara, Ekdanta, Vigneshwara, Ganapathi, and Vignaraja. He makes sure things work out and defeats deadly foes.