Areca palms

The three types of palms that areca palms are named after are golden palms, butterfly palms, and yellow palms. Two sizable plants close to one another will significantly increase the amount of oxygen in your home. These lovely Areca palms are tropical trees that produce a lot of oxygen. Not only do they generate a lot of oxygen, but they also remove harmful airborne pollutants like formaldehyde, xylene, benzene, and toluene.
There are several common names for catechu in English, including areca palm, areca nut palm, betel palm, betel nut palm, Indian nut, Pinang palm, and catechu. Because its fruit, the areca nut, is frequently chewed with the betel leaf, a leaf from a vine in the family Piperaceae, this palm is known as the “betel tree” in English.