
About Us


Mulam is a platform focusing on the theme of Going Back to our Roots. Here the intention is on highlighting our traditional and sustainable methods for having a healthy lifestyle. As part of this, we are creating a platform for all organizations and individuals who are interested in promoting the concept of Environmental friendly It could involve Organic Food, Eco-Friendly Bags, Copper vessels, Earthen Pottery, Traditional Games, Green Energy, Recycling & Reuse, Waste Management, Eco-Friendly and Safe Festivities and MUCH MUCH MORE !!! Come and Join Us in Safe Keeping our Earth and to pass it on to Our Future Generations to make a living for all creatures

  • We notice that in the name of development companies for developing residential plots more than 50 kms from the city or even more than 100 kms.
  • Fertile agraicultural land were been made a “Concrete Jungle” with tar roads and civil infrastucture to make the land barren.
  • Respecting and maintaining a social responsibility towards our ecology is a core aspect of sustainability.
  • Local farming livelihoods are disturbed and supply is diminished as this land is taken out of the supply chain.
  • We associate with various organizations who are making a positive impact on the environment, incl. Mulam, CGR, Inacres among others. These are managed by Satvik Realty under the Mulam Initiative.

This is where MulamFarms comes in.

These are managed by Satvik Realty under the Mulam Initiative. 

Contact Us
 +91 6303868045        [email protected]